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Action levels:central nervous system, circulatory system, hormonal system, digestive system, urinary system, osteoarticular system, skin.


Basic recommendations:


Central nervous system: helps alleviate physical and mental asthenia; strengthens nerves and memory; recommended for physical and mental overload (difficulty concentrating), helps to relax, relieves anxiety.


Circulatory system: helps regulate vascular permeability and blood pressure (vascular protector and antioxidant), reduces cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. 


Detoxification: Supports the detoxification process. General effect on the body -  cleansing, anti-inflammatory and alkalizing effect.


Hormonal system: maintains the level of steroid hormones and potentiates the action of progesterone.


Other benefits: anti-inflammatory effects at the osteoarticular, digestive, urinary and skin levels.


Suggestions for combining with other hemotherapy products:


• as a nervous system tonic with birch seed extract - Betula verrucosa semi MG = D1 and sea buckthorn bud extract - Hippophae rhamnoides MG = D1;


• to support physical (sports) and intellectual activity, with oak bud extract - Quercus pedunculata MG = D1;


• to relieve headaches with rosehip branch extract - Rosa canina MG = D1 and black alder bud extract - Alnus glutinosa MG = D1;


• for appetite disorders of nervous origin (anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia) with fig bud extract - Ficus carica MG = D1;


• as a vascular protector, with ginkgo bud extract - Ginkgo biloba MG = D1;


• for cardiac weakness, palpitations - with hawthorn branch extract - Crataegus oxyacantha MG = D1;


• as a female hormonal regulator in the progesterone phase (starting from the 14th day of the menstrual cycle) with raspberry extract - Rubus idaeus MG-D1 (daily, for 2-3 months);


• other combinations to reduce inflammation with gemotherapeutic extracts that act mainly on inflamed tissues.


Attention!These suggestions for gemotherapeutic combinations are indicative and do not exclude other possibilities for combining products tailored to the specific needs of each person.


Mode of application:


Adults: usually 2 ml, dissolved in a little water, twice a day, morning and evening, before meals. 1ml = approx. 25 drops


When combined with other hemotherapy extracts, it will be administered once daily.


The duration of treatment can vary from 1-3 months. The reception can be repeated 1-2 months after the break.


There are no known side effects or contraindications.


If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

Wild apple tree (Malus sylvestris)

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