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Action level:female reproductive system, Central nervous system; Lipid metabolism; Digestive system


It is obtained from fresh cones of female hop inflorescences before opening, so as not to lose lupulin, a complex of substances that determine the effect of hops.


Central nervous system: calming, harmonizing effect on the nervous system. Female Reproductive System: Helps maintain calm and comfort during menopause.

It helps women cope with symptoms associated with menopause, such as hot flashes, sweating, anxiety and irritability.


Digestive System: Helps support digestion.


Promotes the functioning of the intestinal tract. 


Lipid metabolism: Helps maintain normal cholesterol levels.



- sedative, hypnotic, antispasmodic;


- reduces blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides;


- stomach (loss of appetite, anorexia)


- diuretic, antimicrobial (E. coli),


- antioxidant;


- estrogen balance (menopause),


Mode of application:

1-2 ml 1-3 times a day in water before main meals (if self-administered). In case of combination during the day with other gemotherapeutic agents: 2 ml 1 time per day.




Not recommended for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding, women with elevated estrogen levels, or after a mastectomy.


Long-term use by men is not recommended (anaphrodisiac effect). Not recommended for people who take  sedatives, anticonvulsants and antidepressants.


Proposals for combining with other gemotherapeutic drugs (women)


- for climacteric disorders, menopause, with raspberries, lingonberries,  hawthorn;


- amenorrhea, raspberry and/or willow;


- Delay of menarche with raspberries and birch bud extract.


Neurovegetative dystonia with fig gemmo;


Anxiety, nervousness, insomnia - with linden.


• recurrent cystitis during menopause,  with lingonberries 


For men - male hypersexuality, with willow seed gemmo.


If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

Hops (humulus lupulus)

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