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Action levels: central and neurovegetative nervous system, cardiovascular system, digestive tract, female reproductive tract, musculoskeletal system, vagus nerve.


Basic recommendations: General metabolism: metabolic reactivator, the ability to restore balance in various metabolic disorders;


Cardiovascular system: vascular protector, with hypotensive  and diuretic effect.


Suggestions for combining with other gemotherapeutic products:


• for imbalance (dizziness) in hypertensive patients with alder bud extract

black - Alnus glutinosa MG = D1;


• for restless legs syndrome” with fig bud extract - Ficus carica MG = D1 and with lime bud extract - Tilia Tomentosa MG = D1.


Mode of application:Adults: usually 1-2 ml, dissolved in a small amount of water, once a day before meals.


1ml = approx. 25 drops Duration of use can vary from 1 to 3 months. The reception can be repeated 1-2 months after the break.




Not used during pregnancy and lactation.


If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

Mistletoe (viscum album)

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