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  • Organotropy: reproductive apparatus
  •  Useful for sexual asthenia, both in women and men.


Action levels: female and male genitalia.


Basic recommendations: helps improve sexual asthenia in women and men.


Suggestions for combination with other gemmotherapy products:

  • in young men, with conditions of sexual asthenia, with Ash Seed Extract - Fraxinus excelsior semi MG=D1;
  • in young women, with conditions of sexual asthenia, with birch seed extract - Betula pubescens amenti MG=D1.

Mode of application:
Usually 1-2 ml, with a small amount of water, 2 times a day before meals or in combination with other blood products, 3 ml 1 time a day.
1 ml = approx. 25 drops
The duration of administration can vary between 1-3 months. Administration can be repeated after a break of 1 or 2 months.

There are no known adverse reactions or contraindications.

Oak, flower (Quercus pedunculata amenti)

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