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Hornbeam(Carpinus betulus)


Action levels: respiratory system (sinuses, pharynx, bronchi, lungs), liver, bone marrow.


Basic recommendations:

Lungs: helps relieve cough spasms and heal the bronchial mucosa.

Liver: promotes liver tissue regeneration;


Other benefits: stimulates platelet formation and colon healing.


Suggestions for combining with other gemotherapeutic products:

for diseases of the nasopharynx, sinuses and bronchi - with black currant bud extract and black alder bud extract and kidney extract  common birch;

for lung damage - with viburnum bud extract and black alder bud extract;

for non-productive cough with apricot bud extract and/or black honeysuckle extract;

for a productive cough - with poplar bud extract (with an antiseptic effect on the respiratory tract, diluting bronchial secretions and a cough sedative);

in case of low platelet count with Tamarix branches extract;

for liver damage with a low platelet count with juniper branch extract;

for nosebleeds  - with thuja branch extract



These suggestions for gemotherapeutic combinations are indicative and do not exclude other possibilities for combining products tailored to the specific needs of each person.


Mode of application:

Adults and children over 7 years of age: usually 1 ml, dissolved in a small amount of water, 2-3 times a day before meals.

For children from 2 to 7 years: usually 15 drops, dissolving a small amount of water, 2-3 times a day before meals.

1ml = approx. 25 drops

When combined with other gemotherapeutic extracts, it should be administered once daily.

The duration of treatment can vary from 2 weeks to 1-3 months. The reception can be repeated 1-2 months after the break.


If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.


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