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Willow (Salix alba)


Action levels:central nervous system, hematopoiesis (formation of red blood cells).


Basic recommendations:

Nervous system: helps relieve excitement (with hysteria); Helps get rid of sleep disorders of nervous origin.


Suggestions for combining with other gemotherapeutic products:

to relieve sleep disorders of nervous origin with linden bud extract;

to stimulate the formation of red blood cells (for anemia), in adults with disorders of nervous origin (excitement, hysteria), with extract of tamarisk branches.


Mode of application:

Adults: usually 2 ml, dissolved in a small amount of water, once a day in the evening before bed.

1ml = approx. 25 drops

The duration of treatment can vary from 1 to 3 months. The reception can be repeated 1-2 months after the break.


There are no known side effects or contraindications.


If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.


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